
All elements (data, analytics, visualizations) are treated as components that can be chained together. A light weight REST-API (chainREST) enables the chaining by allowing services to directly load data or analytical results from previous workflow steps. This minimizes data transfers and increases speed, since the service orchestrator (ChainBuilder) does not have to pull and push the data to the respective services.

Each of the components that ChainBuilder integrates are referred to as modules. Modules can be data, charts, analytics, etc. ChainBuilder has created a number of default wrappers that can be used to wrap the most commonly used data and analytics into modules. There are four wrappers that allow the user to convert software that is not orginally written as a service to function as a service. It is important to note that ChainBuilder and ChainBuilder wrappers function independently from each other. Although ChainBuilder wrappers are most compatible with the ChainBuilder platform, the open source wrappers can be used with other programs and softwares for a variety of uses.

Services are as follows:

  • krisPY - converts Python scripts
  • chainPHP - converts custom programs and visualizations
  • chainJAVA - converts OCG WPS (OpenGIS Web Processing Service)
  • chainDATA - converts custom data sources

With these wrappers, ChainBuilder is able to automate computation processes and mimics an analytical service.

In order to access the ChainBuilder components, first create an account, then navigate the links here:

ChainBuilder is an open source data integration platform that allows users to combine complex data with visualization and analysis tools using a simple interface.

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chainREST is the rest specification that underlies ChainBuilder. It can also be used independently to create browser based applications that use REST services.

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KrisPY is a wrapper to create services in ChainREST format. It introspects libraries and creates compatible services automatically.

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ChainPHP is a wrapper to create services in ChainREST format. It has a basic set of standard services for ChainBuilder included.

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ChainJAVA is Middleware to convert OGC WPS services into ChainREST.

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ChainDATA is a set of wrappers to convert datasets into services in ChainREST format.

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